HIV and the Pathogenesis of AIDS

HIV and the Pathogenesis of AIDS
3rd Ed.
2007 © American Society for Microbiology
Jay A.Levy
ISBN-10: 1-55581-393-3
ISBN-13: 978-1-55581-393-2
Virology, Immunology, Infectious Diseases


The new edition of HIV and the Pathogenesis of AIDS provides a state-of-the-art review of the current research, explains the history of the disease and examines how scientists, clinicians and public health workers have responded to the challenges presented by HIV/AIDS in the 25 years since its recognition. This Doody's "5-star" selection explores potential approaches for therapy and a vaccine for the prevention of HIV infection and AIDS is detailed. Figures and tables illustrate and emphasize key points and the text is extensively annotated and written in an accessible and clear style. A valuable reference for students, researchers, clinicians and health care providers.

Doody's Reviews

Score: 98/100
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"This is a powerful resource, well referenced, and very up to date."

-- Mark Goodman, MD (Creighton University Medical Center) Doody's Review


This will be of tremendous interest to cellular biologists and researchers, with perhaps less utility to clinicians and HIV care providers. The author is a legend in HIV discovery and care.

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