Lewin's Cells

Lewin's Cells
3rd Ed.
2015 © Jones and Bartlett Publishers
David Sharp; George Plopper; Eric Sikorski
ISBN-13: 978-1-284-02355-8
Microbiology, Basic Sciences, Histology, Nursing


The ideal text for undergraduate and graduate students in advanced cell biology courses

Extraordinary technological advances in the last century have fundamentally altered the way we ask questions about biology, and undergraduate and graduate students must have the necessary tools to investigate the world of the cell. The ideal text for students in advanced cell biology courses, Lewin’s CELLS, Third Edition continues to offer a comprehensive, rigorous overview of the structure, organization, growth, regulation, movements, and interactions of cells, with an emphasis on eukaryotic cells. The text provides students with a solid grounding in the concepts and mechanisms underlying cell structure and function, and will leave them with a firm foundation in cell biology as well as a “big picture” view of the world of the cell.

Revised and updated to reflect the most recent research in cell biology, Lewin’s CELLS, Third Edition includes expanded chapters on Nuclear Structure and Transport, Chromatin and Chromosomes, Apoptosis, Principles of Cell Signaling, The Extracellular Matrix and Cell Adhesion, Plant Cell Biology, and more. All-new design features and a chapter-by-chapter emphasis on key concepts enhance pedagogy and emphasize retention and application of new skills. Thorough, accessible, and essential, Lewin’s CELLS, Third Edition, turns a new and sharper lens on the fundamental units of life.

Features & Benefits:

• Contains design features specifically intended to enhance pedagogy, including Key Concepts, What’s Next?, and Concept and Reasoning Checks
• Features new, more student-friendly illustrations

Quotes, Reviews or Testimonials

"The editors and authors have assembled an excellent learning resource for students of modern cell biology. They expertly describe the molecular structure and function of life. The book is characterized by a crisp, uniform writing style, attention to detail, and scientific rigor..."

-- Bruce Fenderson, PhD (Thomas Jefferson University) (Doody's Review) - previous edition


This is an excellent companion text for advanced undergraduate and graduate-level courses in cell biology. It is written for students across a wide range of life science disciplines, including general biology, biochemistry, and biophysics. The authors of the chapters are outstanding research scientists and skilled educators.

Table of Contents

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