Site-Specific Cancer Series: Breast Cancer

Site-Specific Cancer Series: Breast Cancer
2nd Ed.
2011 © Oncology Nursing Society
Suzanne M. Mahon RN, DNSc, AOCN®, APNG
ISBN-13: 978-1-935864-11-0


In this second edition, you'll find state-of-the-art information on diagnostic procedures, staging, pathophysiology, surgical approaches, radiation therapy, and systemic therapy. Breast Cancer also provides you with details on symptom management, breast restoration, complementary medicine, psychosocial adjustment, and the role of the nurse navigator.

Quotes, Reviews or Testimonials

"This book is a valuable source of up-to-date and comprehensive information that emphasizes evidence-based practice and the critical role of the nurse in the delivery of patient-focused care."

-- Melody McKinney, DNS, RN (Indiana State University) Doody's Review - previous edition


The book is designed for practicing nurses and other healthcare professionals involved in the care of breast cancer patients. It would also be useful to nursing students, patients, and family members wanting an overview of the prevention, treatment, and management of breast cancer. The editor and chapter authors are experts in nursing and other healthcare professions.

Table of Contents