Healthcare Alerts

Healthcare insights to keep you current

McMasters Plus Evidence Alerts; AHFS & Univ. of Utah Drug Shortages; Essential Evidence Plus (EE+) & Daily POEMs

STAT!Ref-McMaster Plus Evidence Alerts are accessed through your STAT!Ref subscription. Additionally, if you subscribe to Essential Evidence Plus (EE+) you can also sign-up to receive Daily POEMs (Patient Oriented Evidence that Matters) Research Summaries. Drug Shortages is free with select Pharmaceutical titles.

STAT!Ref Alerts webpage overview

Drug Shortages - AHFS and University of Utah

AHFS and University of Utah Logos

Drug Shortages Alerts

Adobe PDF Icon  Drug Shortages Setup
Adobe PDF Icon  Drug Shortages Database Handout

ASHP’s Drug Shortages database is the most widely recognized leading source of evidence-based drug shortage information for clinicians, consumers, and health policy leaders.

Having any one or more of these American Society of Health-System Pharmacists titles, qualifies you for ASHP’s Drug Shortages a free STAT!Ref value-added resource:
AHFS Drug Information
ASHP Injectable Drug Information
Compounding Sterile Preparations
Essential Evidence Plus™ & AHFS DI® Essentials™
Extended Stability for Parenteral Drugs
Merck Manual Professional Version & AHFS DI Essentials
Teddy Bear Book: Pediatric Injectable Drugs

Drug Shortages Alert Preferences

Drug Shortages Alert Preferences

Drug Shortages Video

Drug Shortages Highlights

Drug Shortages rapidly delivers actionable clinical information as a critical component of medication management and safe and effective patient care. ASHP’s Drug Shortages includes:
• Over 300 shortage bulletin on drugs, biologics, devices, and specific dose forms.
• Only source of drug shortage information that includes recommendations for alternative therapies.
• Active monitoring and regular communication with manufacturers for ongoing shortages.
• Updated daily.

Having any one or more of these American Society of Health-System Pharmacists titles, qualifies you for ASHP’s Drug Shortages a free STAT!Ref value-added resource:
AHFS Drug Information
ASHP Injectable Drug Information
Compounding Sterile Preparations
Essential Evidence Plus & AHFS DI Essentials
Extended Stability for Parenteral Drugs
Merck Manual Professional Version & AHFS DI Essentials
Teddy Bear Book: Pediatric Injectable Drugs

Login to TDS Health as you normally do. Click on the Profile link and login to your account. If you do not already have a Profile account, create one by clicking Register and enter your information.
Click the Alerts tab
Select ASHP’s Drug Shortages
Go to the Alert Preferences tab
If you wish to receive emails, click the box next to “Email me when new bulletins are published.” Make sure to whitelist emails from

* If you do not wish to receive emails, you can also access the Drug Shortages panel on the homepage or, under the Resources drop-down, you can click Drug Shortages. You can also access Drug Shortages by clicking Alerts under the “Welcome Your Name” drop-down. In that case, you will need to have logged into your TDS Health Profile using your Profile username (email) and password. If you have any questions, please call 800-901-5494 or email Support.

Drug Shortage Bulletins are copyrighted by the Drug Information Service of the University of Utah, provided by ASHP as its exclusive authorized distributor, and used with permission. ASHP and the University of Utah make no representations or warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, any implied warranty of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to such information, and specifically disclaim all such warranties. Users of this information are advised that decisions regarding the use of drugs and drug therapies are complex medical decisions and that in using this information, each user must exercise his or her own independent professional judgment. Neither ASHP nor the University of Utah assumes any liability for persons administering or receiving drugs or other medical care in reliance upon this information, or otherwise in connection with this Bulletin. Neither ASHP nor the University of Utah endorses or recommends the use of any particular drug.

Evidence Alerts - McMaster Plus

STAT!Ref and McMasters Plus Logos

STAT!Ref Evidence Alerts

Adobe PDF Icon  STAT!Ref-McMasters Evidence Alerts Handout

The STAT!Ref Evidence Alerts system provides e-mail delivery and access to evidence-based medicine (EBM) information from current research of over 130 premier clinical journals. The STAT!Ref Evidence Alerts system works with McMaster University (McMaster PLUS) delivering pre-rated EBM alerts that are qualified, then rated for clinical relevance and newsworthiness by a panel of practicing physicians.

STAT!Ref Evidence Alerts offer a range of healthcare disciplines to choose from, delivering relevant and meaningful EBM information focused on your healthcare interests, helping with your clinical decisions.

STAT!Ref and McMasters Plus Evidence Alerts Sign up section

Evidence Alerts Highlights

• Pick your areas of interest:
Receive customized EBM e-mail alerts catered to your healthcare interests.

• Time-saving flexibility:
You no longer need to scan numerous clinical journals to find the information you need. Receive relevant EBM information fast.

• Daily notifications:
Get daily e-mail notifications of important new research about the diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, etiology and economics of medical conditions.

• Archived EBM information:
Review past STAT!Ref Evidence Alerts to always have your healthcare interests at your fingertips.

McMaster University is the birthplace of Evidence-Based Medicine. McMaster PLUS is a product of the McMaster Health Knowledge Refinery (HKR), a continuously updated source of current best research for evidence-informed clinical decisions. Original studies and systematic reviews from over 130 journals are critically appraised to identify those that are methodologically sound, and sound studies are then rated by clinicians for relevance and newsworthiness through the McMaster Online Rating of Evidence (MORE) system.

McMaster Online Rating of Evidence (MORE) Process

Step 1 — Journal Selection
More than 120 journals are read (see Journals Reviewed List) to identify articles with the strongest methods for clinical attention. Journals are selected based on suggestions by librarians, clinicians, editors and editorial staff; Science Citation Index (SCI) impact factors; systematic examination of the contents of each selected journal for at least six months; and by ongoing yield of articles that meet basic Inclusion Criteria for assessing the quality of studies concerning the cause, course, prediction, diagnosis, prognosis, prevention and treatment of medical disorders. Access to foreign-language journals is provided through the systematic reviews we read, especially those in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, which summarizes articles taken from over 800 journals in many languages.

Step 2 — Article Selection
Research associates trained in health research methodology read all original and review articles in the journals on the Journals Reviewed List and apply the Inclusion Criteria relevant to the purpose category (i.e., therapeutics, diagnosis, prognosis, etc). Articles that pass criteria are tagged for entry in the Critical Appraisal Process (CAP) system.

The process of applying criteria to identify high-quality articles yields relatively few that make it through the methods filter. For example, in 2009 of about 25,000 original and review articles published in 120 journals read, we identified 3,728 articles (15%) for clinical attention.

Step 3 — Critical Appraisal Process (CAP)
PubMed numbers are used as unique identifiers to ensure items are entered into the process only once. Using the PubMed number, the CAP system automatically pulls the article title, authors, and journal citation.

Research associates add the Article Type (i.e., Original or Review), one or more of ten Purpose Categories (i.e., therapy/prevention, diagnosis, prognosis, etiology, quality improvement, economics, clinical prediction guide, differential diagnosis and qualitative), and one or more Patient Populations (i.e., neonates, pediatrics, adolescents, adults, geriatrics, all and indiscernible).

Step 4 — Checked by Clinical Experts
After the data in Step 3 are added, the articles are then passed to the editor stage where one or more clinicians checks the data added by the research associates and indexers.

Step 5 — McMaster Online Rating of Evidence (MORE)
Articles that pass the filter process (Step 2) and the checking process (Step 4) are transferred to the McMaster Online Rating of Evidence (MORE) system. Using the PubMed number, the MORE system pulls in additional article information from PubMed such as the abstract and major and minor MeSH headings.

Step 6 — MORE Raters
The MORE system has a database of > 4000 physician raters. Physician raters in MORE are MDs or equivalent, have completed formal training, and are in independent clinical practice at least part time in internal medicine or its subspecialties.

MORE raters complete a profile page indicating their Patient Populations, Discipline/Specialty selections, and the number of articles they would like to rate each month.

We continue to recruit raters for all disciplines/specialties for all the MORE systems. If you would like to join us as a MORE rater, please contact us at (physicians), (nurses), or (rehab specialists).

Step 7 — MORE Rating Process
Articles in MORE are matched to rater selections and rating requests are sent to at least four raters for each discipline/specialty. For example, the article “Primary angioplasty vs. early routine post-fibrinolysis angioplasty for acute myocardial infarction with ST-segment elevation: the Gracia 2 non-inferiority, randomized, controlled trial,” which is of interest to both physicians and nurses, was sent to 4 raters each for Cardiology, Internal Medicine, and Emergency Medicine for physicians, and to 4 raters each for Cardiology and Emergency/Trauma for nurses.

Ratings in MORE are on two 7-point scales (highest score, 7). The first scale, for Relevance, is for the extent to which the article was pertinent to practice in the rater’s clinical discipline/specialty. If Relevance is rated at least 3, the rater completes a second 7-point scale, on the extent to which the article’s content represented news or something that clinicians in the rater’s discipline were unlikely to know (which we labeled newsworthiness). Optionally, raters also provide up to 1,000 characters of freetext comments (sample Rating Form).

Step 8 — Premium LiteratUre Service (PLUS)
When at least three ratings are received for a discipline, the totals are averaged and articles scoring ≥ 3 of 7 for both Relevance and Newsworthiness for at least one discipline/specialty are transferred to a permanent database, Premium LiteratUre Service (PLUS). Articles not scoring at least 3 of 7 for any discipline/specialty are transferred to a quarantine database.

Step 9 — User End Products
PLUS ratings are used to help select content for evidence-based journals (ACP Journal Club, Evidence-Based Medicine, and Evidence-Based Nursing), evidence-based summary texts (Essential Evidence Plus™ & AHFS DI® Essentials™, BMJ Clinical Evidence, Harrison’s Practice), and alerting services (STAT!Ref Evidence Alerts, EvidenceUpdates, OBESITY+, Medscape Best Evidence Alerts, and nursing+- Best Evidence for Nursing).

  • Login to TDS Health as you normally do. Click on the Profile link and login to your account. If you do not already have a Profile account, create one by clicking Register and enter your information.
  • Profile has now turned into the greeting (Welcome: Your Name Here!) Click your name and select Alerts.
  • Click on STAT!Ref Evidence Alerts.
  • Select Alert Preferences.
  • If you wish to receive emails, click the box next to “Email me when new articles are published”.
  • Fill out the profile based on your preferences of frequency, relevance & newsworthiness.
  • Select from Medical, Nursing or Rehabilitaion.
  • Select at least one item from each choice of: Disciplines, Categories and Populations. Select as many options in each to meet your criteria.

Please note: those with iOS devices using Safari will need to turn off the “Block Pop-ups” setting before trying to open an Alert sent via email. Additionally anyone else that encounters difficulty opening an Alert should make sure to allow pop-ups from this site in their browser settings.

Alphabetical list of reviewed journals
Am through IntJ Clinical through World
Am J Public Health J Clin Nurs
Am J Respir Crit Care Med J Clin Oncol
Am J Sports Med J Clin Psychopharmacol
Anesth Analg J Consult Clin Psychol
Anesthesiology J Fam Pract
Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol J Gen Intern Med
Ann Emerg Med J Hand Surg [Am]
Ann Fam Med J Hand Surg Eur Vol
Ann Intern Med J Hand ther
Ann Neurol J Infect Dis
Ann Rheum Dis J Manipulative Physiol Ther
Ann Surg J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry
Ann Thorac Surg J Neurosurg
ANS Adv Nurs Sci J Nurs Scholarsh
Appl Nurs Res J Occup Rehabil
Arch Dermatol J Orthop Sports Phys Ther
Arch Dis Child J Orthop Trauma
Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed J Pain
Arch Gen Psychiatry J Pain Symptom Manage
Arch Intern Med J Pediatr
Arch Neurol J Pediatr Oncol Nurs
Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med J Pediatr Orthop
Arch Phys Med Rehabil J Pediatr Surg
Arch Surg J Rheumatol
Arthritis Rheum J Shoulder Elbow Surg
Arthritis Rheum: Arthritis Care Res J Surg Educ
Arthroscopy J Surg Oncol
Aust J Physiother J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg
Birth J Trauma
BJOG J Vasc Surg
BMJ Kidney Int
Br J Gen Pract Lancet
Br J Psychiatry Lancet Neurol
Br J Surg Lancet Oncol
Breast Man Ther
Can J Anaesth Mayo Clin Proc
Can J Gastroenterol Med Care
Can J Nurs Res Med J Aust
Can J Occup Ther Midwifery
Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH) N Engl J Med
Cancer Nurs Neurology
Cephalalgia Nurs Res
Chest Nutr J
Circulation Obes Surg
Clin Chem Obesity (Silver Spring)
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol Obstet Gynecol
Clin J Pain Oncol Nurs Forum
Clin Orthop Relat Res Pain
Clin Rehabil Pain Med
CMAJ Patient Educ Couns
Cochrane Database Syst Rev Pediatr Phys Ther
Crit Care Med Pediatrics
Diabet Med Pharmacotherapy
Diabetes Care Phys Ther
Diabetes Obes Metab PLoS Med
Eur Heart J Prev Med
Eur J Pain Psychosom Med
Evid Rep Technol Assess (Summ) Qual Health Res
Fam Pract Radiology
Foot Ankle Int Res Nurs Health
Gastroenterology Rheumatology (Oxford)
Gut Soc Sci Med
Headache Spine
Health Educ Behav Spine J
Health Psychol Stroke
Health Technol Assess Thorax
Heart Transplantation
Heart Lung Urology
Int J Clin Pract West J Nurs Res
Int J Nurs Stud World J Surg
Int J Obes (Lond)

The information contained in STAT!Ref Evidence Alerts, which is provided through McMaster Premium Literature Service (PLUS), is intended for healthcare professionals and is provided on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind, express or implied.

STAT!Ref Evidence Alerts provides an educational service for practicing clinicians and providers, designed to alert them to important new research; however, we cannot warrant its accuracy. It is intended to support evidence-based decision making, by providing links to published research reports about the diagnosis, treatment, prediction and prognosis, etiology and economics of medical conditions. However, "evidence does not make decisions," and clinicians making decisions about the care of their patients must take into account the limitations of evidence from research as well as the unique nature of their patients' circumstances and wishes. Readers should also be aware that professionals in the field may have different opinions about the interpretation of evidence from research. Because of this fact and also because of regular advances in medical research, we strongly recommend that readers independently verify any information they choose to rely on. Ultimately it is the readers' responsibility to make their own professional judgments.

STAT!Ref Evidence Alerts attempts to provide access to the best new research of relevance for clinical practice and academic research in a variety of healthcare fields and subspecialties. It does not report all research but uses explicit criteria to define a subset of published research that is likely to be valid and ready for clinical attention in these disciplines. Practicing physicians then provide their assessments of the relevance and newsworthiness of the reports through an online review process, the McMaster Online Rating of Evidence (MORE). Individual clinicians who then receive these reviews must then apply their own judgment concerning the strength and applicability of this evidence to their own patients.

Description or reference to a product or publication does not imply endorsement of that product or publication, unless that product or publication is owned or delivered directly by Teton Data Systems or McMaster University.

To the fullest extent permitted by law, Teton Data Systems, the makers of STAT!Ref, and McMaster University are not responsible for any losses, injury or damage caused to any person or property (including under contract, by negligence, products liability or otherwise) whether they be direct or indirect, special, incidental or consequential, resulting from the application of the information on STAT!Ref Evidence Alerts.

Essential Evidence Plus

Essential Evidence Plus Logos

Essential Evidence Plus (EE+) - Evidence-Based Clinical Decision Support

Discover The Evidence Within

An Evidence-Based Point-of-Care Clinical Decision Support System
Available through TDS Health's STAT!Ref, as a bundled title: Essential Evidence Plus™ & AHFS DI® Essentials™


  • Improve patient outcomes
  • Inform point-of-care decisions
  • Save time and stay organized on the front line
  • Stay up to date with the latest evidence

EE+ is a powerful, comprehensive clinical decision support system that integrates information on 9,000 diagnoses into healthcare professional’s clinical workflows. This clinical tool, created by an international team of renowned medical experts, was developed for physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals on the front line of patient care.

EE+ features over 13,000 topics, guidelines, abstracts, tools, images, and summaries covering the most common conditions, diseases, and procedures clinicians come in contact with every day. Every recommendation carries a strength-of-evidence rating that accurately grades each recommendation’s merit on the basis of all of the evidence available in the relevant literature.

In addition, EE+ links extensively to abstracts of Cochrane Systematic Reviews, along with the full text of these reviews where a subscription to the The Cochrane Library is in place, to ensure that our users always have access to high quality evidence-based healthcare information where it exists.

POEMs (Patient Oriented Evidence that Matters) Research Summaries

Daily e-mail alerts and 5,000+ archived POEMs summarize the most recent, relevant research from over 100 journals to help you stay up to date in your practice. A subscription to Essential Evidence Plus™ & AHFS DI® Essentials™ is required to signup for the POEMs.

EE Plus POEMs Daily Alerts Sign up section

Essential Evidence Plus POEMs Highlights

Essential Evidence Plus provides access to diagnostic answers and tools you won’t find in any other comparable product.

Essential Evidence Topics — Provide best-evidence answers to the most important clinical questions concerning symptoms, diseases, drugs, and other treatment regimens. Its concise, highly structured content is tightly integrated and hyperlinked to thousands of calculators, articles, Cochrane Systematic Reviews, and evidence summaries within EE+ to make searching for answers quick and seamless. Each topic has a “strength-of-evidence” rating for every recommendation, a “Bottom Line” summary that introduces each section, and a broad array of algorithms to aid in the decision-making process.

POEMs (Patient Oriented Evidence that Matters) Research Summaries — Daily e-mail alerts and 5,000+ archived POEMs summarize the most recent, relevant research from over 100 journals to help you stay up to date in your practice. A subscription to Essential Evidence Plus™ & AHFS DI® Essentials™ is required to access the POEMs.

Decision Support Tools — 400+ enable you to assess risk and probability, estimate the reliability of a diagnosis and prognosis, calculate a patient’s risk for disease, select the safest and most effective drug dosage, and much more.

Integration with AHFS DI® EssentialsTM from the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, distills essential information on prescription and key over-the-counter (OTC) drugs in an easy-to-use and highly structured outline format.

Cochrane Systematic Reviews — 5,800+ abstracts of Cochrane Systematic Reviews, the gold standard for evidence-based therapeutics, with links to the full text with a subscription to The Cochrane Library.

EBM Guidelines — 900+ practice guidelines, 4,400+ evidence-graded summaries, 1,300+ high quality photographs, and audio and videos for some of the most common diseases and procedures.

Dermatology Image Library — An interactive expert system to assist you in diagnosing skin problems with 1,000+ high quality photographs.

Anatomy Illustrations — Hundreds of anatomy illustrations are included within the Essential Evidence Topics.

Podcasts — Tune in each week as Dr. Mark Ebell, EE+ Editor-in-Chief, joins Dr. Michael Wilkes, NPR correspondent and Vice Dean of the UC Davis Medical School, for a brief discussion about an important, recent POEM. The discussion provides additional depth and insight into the issue covered by the POEM synopsis.

Available to those subscribers of the Essential Evidence Plus (EE+) title from TDS Health and powered by STAT!Ref, Daily POEMs are e-mail alerts that identify the most valid, relevant research to help with your practice.

Monthly, the complete set is compiled and sent for additional summary review. Each Daily POEM is also added to the Daily POEMs database in EE+, for easy future reference.

Ongoing since 1996, EE+ editors now review more than 1,200 studies monthly from more than 100 medical journals, presenting only the best and most relevant as POEMs. The acclaimed POEMs process applies specific criteria for validity and relevance to clinical practice. About 1 in 40 studies qualifies.

To sign up and manage your daily POEMs email subscription go to "Profile" on your TDS Health subscription home page. Don't have a "Profile" account? Follow the simple steps to create one, using your email address as your username and create your desired password. "Profile" will turn to the greeting "Welcome: Your Name Here!"

  • From the drop menu under Welcome: Your Name Here! Select the “Alerts” tab
  • Check the box next to "Enable emails for new POEMs"
  • Next to "Frequency" select DAILY or WEEKLY
  • That's it! You are staying up to date with the latest evidence available

Mark H. Ebell, MD, MS
Associate Professor
University of Georgia
Athens, Georgia

Associate Editors

Kenneth Lin, MD
Associate Editor
American Family Physician
Assistant Professor of Clinical Family Medicine
Georgetown University School of Medicine
Washington, DC

Mindy Smith, MD, MS
Professor of Family Medicine
Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan

Assistant Editors

Steven R. Brown, MD
Associate Program Director
Banner Good Samaritan Family Medicine Residency
Clinical Associate Professor
Department of Family and Community Medicine
University of Arizona School of Medicine
Tucson, Arizona

Su-Ting Li, MD, MPH
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Pediatric Residency Program Director
Vice Chair of Education
University of California, Davis
Davis, California

Erik Lindbloom, MD, MSPH
Associate Professor
Director of Family Medicine Fellowship Program
Associate Director of Family Medicine Residency Program
University of Missouri
Columbia, Missouri

Richard Usatine, MD
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
San Antonio, Texas

POEM Editors

Henry C. Barry, MD, MS
Associate Professor
Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan

Mark H. Ebell, MD, MS
Associate Professor
University of Georgia
Athens, Georgia

Linda French, MD
Professor and Chair
Department of Family Medicine
University of Toledo
Toledo, Ohio

Nita Shrikant Kulkarni, MD
Assistant Professor in Hospital Medicine
Northwestern University
Chicago, Illinois

Allen F. Shaughnessy, PharmD
Professor of Family Medicine
Tufts University
Boston, Massachusetts

David Slawson, MD
Vice Chair, Department of Family Medicine
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, Virginia

Founding Editors

Gary Ferenchick, MD
Chief, Division of General Medicine
Internal Medicine Clerkship Director
East Lansing, Michigan

Randall Forsch, MD, MPH
Assistant Professor
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Linda French, MD
Professor and Chair
Department of Family Medicine
University of Toledo
Toledo, Ohio

Michael Wilkes, MD
Professor of Medicine
University of California, Davis
Davis, California

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