Review of Natural Products, The

Title Details
2025 © Wolters Kluwer Health
Cydney E. McQueen, PharmD
Complementary & Alternative Medicine, Allied Health, Nutrition & Dietetics, Physician Assistant
Additional Details
The editors, contributing editors, and advisory panel have extensive experience in the field of natural product pharmacy and medicine. The Review of Natural Products includes more than 300 monographs and is updated monthly. Each monograph features scientific names, common names, botan or source, history, chemistry, uses and pharmacology, dosing, pregnancy/lactation, interactions, adverse reactions, toxicology, and references. A "Clinical Overview" box at the beginning of each monograph summarizes the use, dosing, contraindication, pregnancy/lactation, interaction, adverse reaction, and toxicology information.
The format provides health care professionals with a quick, up-to-date, objective assessment of the latest medical and scientific studies on numerous natural products, including medically active foods (nutraceuticals).
The appendix includes information about natural product web sites, herbal diuretics, mushroom poisoning, mushroom societies, evidence-based herb-drug interaction tables, and scientific and trade organizations related to natural products. A discussion on the use of natural products during pregnancy and lactation is also included. There is a primary index, which includes common and scientific names, as well as a comprehensive therapeutic uses index.
The Review of Natural Products is intended to provide scientific data on both the benefits and the risks of various products because combination herbal products and single botanical products should be used cautiously.
This book is intended for practitioners and residents. It provides healthcare professionals with a quick, up-to-date, objective assessment of the latest medical and scientific studies on numerous natural products, including medically active foods (nutraceuticals).
Doody's Review
"This is an excellent reference that is also essential. Many patients are turning to natural products in lieu of traditional medications, but so little is known about these products and their clinical implications. This reference presents fact-based information and thoroughly covers all known natural products."
-- Jennifer Colon, PharmD, MS, MBA (Temple University School of Pharmacy)
"This is one of the most accurate, objective, and all-inclusive resources on natural product pharmaceuticals available today."
-- Melissa Ranieri, BS, PharmD (Temple University School of Pharmacy) - Doody's Review - previous edition
Score: 91/100
Stars: 4

Table of Contents
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