Understanding Pharmacology for Pharmacy Technicians with Workbook

Understanding Pharmacology for Pharmacy Technicians with Workbook
2nd Ed.
2023 © American Society of Health-System Pharmacists®
Mary Ann Stuhan, PharmD, RPh
ISBN-13: 978-1-58528-662-1
eISBN-13: 978-1-58528-663-8


Understanding Pharmacology for Pharmacy Technicians, 2nd Edition, is one of the most comprehensive books on the market related to pharmacology for technicians. The material contained in this text has been written specifically for pharmacy technicians, with their backgrounds and duties as guides for both breadth and depth, and with full respect for its importance to them, their careers, and the patients they serve.

To prepare for a future that will demand more from them, pharmacy technicians will need an understanding of the medications they are handling—their actions, doses, routes of administration, and interactions. Understanding Pharmacology for Pharmacy Technicians, 2nd Edition, provides a basis for pharmacology, the study that includes the medication knowledge technicians need to function in modern pharmacy.

As in the first edition, the chapters are organized around body systems and disease states, presented in an order similar to that of pharmacists’ textbooks, with sections on the nervous, endocrine, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and renal, respiratory, gastrointestinal, and hematologic systems, followed by treatments for infectious diseases, cancer, and conditions of the skin, eye, ear, nose, and throat. All chapters have been updated to reflect the most current medications and information. A new chapter on pharmacogenomics discusses the science of precision medicine and relates its concepts to testing and dosing protocols that are becoming increasingly common in everyday pharmacy.

Key Features throughout the book include:

  • Case studies: Case studies are based on the issues of patients that pharmacy technicians encounter in various practice settings, and help them relate the abstract knowledge conveyed in each chapter to real people and real-life scenarios. Discussion questions give students examples of how the concepts being developed may apply to their work.
  • Alerts: Key points relevant to patient or occupational safety are emphasized in marginal notes highlighted “Alert.” These include look-alike/sound-alike issues, allergy precautions, and contraindications.
  • Practice points: Practical advice and real-world applications related to technician work with the medications being discussed are highlighted throughout each chapter, giving immediate emphasis and impact to the material.
  • Pronunciations: Generic drug names are accompanied by phonetic pronunciations using common spellings and capitals for accented syllables, requiring no knowledge of diacritical markings or symbols.
  • Illustrations: Anatomy and drug action are illustrated with figures throughout the text, giving visual representation to the concepts presented.

Quotes, Reviews or Testimonials

"This book is well done. It is written at a higher level than other pharmacy/pharmacology books, which I consider to be an advantage. It is pleasing to read and is a very complete, useful reference."

-- Lawrence Carey, BS, PharmD (Temple University School of Pharmacy) Doody's Review previous edition


Although specifically targeted at pharmacy technicians, this book has the potential to help other audiences as well, such as LPNs, medical coders, and medical assistants. The author, the director of a technician program, is certainly credible, qualified, and knowledgeable about what technicians need to know.

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