The 2024 Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Behavioral Health Care and Human Services (CAMBHC) provides all official Joint Commission standards, elements of performance (EPs), National Patient Safety Goals®, and other accreditation requirements, including those for the optional Behavioral Health Home certification. The CAMBHC is published in an updatable three-ring binder and includes color-coded tabs.
Understanding Which Standards Apply. The Joint Commission surveys many types of organizations under the behavioral health care and human services standards, including mental health services, addiction treatment, eating disorders treatment, intellectual disability/developmental disability (ID/DD) services, and social service/human service agencies serving children and families. Accredited organizations may serve people throughout their lifespan or specialize in an age group or a disability group. Eligibility requirements will differ based on the services provided and the survey option you select. Standards for all these settings and services appear in the CAMBHC. Eligibility requirements will differ based on the services provided and the survey option you select.