Effectively treat and manage children’s mental health care issues!
With 1 in 7 children and 1 in 5 young adults diagnosed with mental, behavioral, or developmental disorders, clinical competence in child development and behavioral and mental health is key to the success of every pediatric health care encounter. This innovative new resource provides vital guidance for integrating mental health care into your everyday primary care practice. Learn from leading experts the latest information on enhancements to the medical home and on the care of children and adolescents with mental health symptoms that do not rise to the threshold for a diagnosis, as well as those that do.
Topics include:
"This is a broad and comprehensive resource for office-based pediatricians looking to expand mental health offerings. The book includes excellent resources for diagnosis, treatment, and patient education. In my opinion, every pediatric office should have at least one copy of this book available to clinicians."
-- Ann Giese, MD (PediaTrust) Doody's Review
The target audience is practicing pediatricians who are looking to expand into office mental healthcare. However, the book also could serve as a reference for family practice physicians, pediatric residents, and medical students with an interest in primary care. The tables in the book are very helpful to anyone looking to expand their diagnosis and treatment of mental health issues in children. The author uses solid references to AAP guidelines, DSM-5, and strong evidence to back recommendations for office-based approaches to common pediatric mental health conditions.