Pediatric Collections is a series of selected pediatric articles that highlight different facets of information across various AAP publications, including AAP Journals, AAP News, Blog Articles, and eBooks. Each series of collections focuses on specific topics in the field of pediatrics so that you can keep up with best practices, and make an informed response to public health matters, trending news, and current events. Each collection includes previously published content focusing on specific topics and articles selected by AAP editors.
Curated, In-depth, Topical, Evidence-based
Collections address important issues in pediatric medicine, child health, public health, trending news/events, and the latest best practices in pediatric medicine. Key policy statements and research are complemented with news articles and blog posts to concisely explain the key findings and recommendations for improvement in practice, policy, and education.
Suggested Uses for Collections by Role/Setting
Build your clinical reference library with articles tailored to your interests and specific practice and community needs.
Augment your training activity course packs with curated collections that provide a comprehensive view of AAP research and analysis of a topic.
Researchers/Principal Investigators
Kickstart your pediatrics study initiatives and research endeavors with focused collections.
Public Health Professionals
Easily reference the most topical research for use in formulating public health policies, monitoring health trends, and implementing prevention strategies.
Current Collection Topics:
Pediatric Collections: Ethics Rounds: A Casebook in Pediatric Bioethics - Part 2 • 2022
The ethical issues that arise in pediatrics vary drastically from those in other clinical settings. This essential collection presents cases that highlight ethical dilemmas that arise specifically in pediatrics including Autism; Adolescents and Young Adults; Social Media; Cardiology; COVID; Racism; and Child Abuse and Neglect focusing on child abuse, medical neglect, foster care, potential conflicts of interest, and forensic investigations. Complex cases in which multiple ethical concerns intertwine in important ways are also examined. This collection is intended to be a starting point for a discussion on pediatric bioethics and a reference when reflecting on similar cases.
Pediatric Collections: Social Determinants of Health • 2022
This collection focuses on three categories of social determinants of health. Youths who are negatively affected by social determinants of health suffer adverse effects like increased risks of chronic health conditions and mental health issues.
Part 1: Underserved Communities • March 27, 2022 - This category describes many underserved communities and the various ways their status affects their health. Members of these vulnerable communities include foster children, runaway youths, immigrants, Black, Latinx, Native Americans, and other children from minority racial groups, LGBTQ+ youths, and children living in poverty. This collection describes the challenges faced by each of these populations and how that adversity shapes their present and future health.
Part 2: Effect of Inequity • April 29, 2022 - This category describes the adverse effects social determinants of health can have on vulnerable children around the world. The impact of social determinants such as racism, discrimination, poverty, and limited access to care can lead to adverse effects such as poor mental health, diabetes, heart disease, substance abuse, complications during childbirth, suicide, and unexpected death. This collection describes the ways in which these social determinants can produce negative outcomes for children in the present and future.
Part 3: Promoting Health Equity • May 30, 2022 - This category describes ways pediatricians can help fight these social determinants to promote health equity for our most vulnerable children. The causes and effects of social determinants of health are well-documented. Individual and group interventions such as screening, establishing community partnerships and a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and eliminating barriers to quality health care are highlighted in this collection and can go a long way toward ensuring that all children get the care they deserve.
Pediatric Collections: LGBTQ+: Support and Care • July 2021
This first-of-its-kind 3-part series includes articles and commentaries on all aspects of LGBTQ+ support and care. Part 1 focuses on combatting homophobia and discrimination, Part 2 on health concerns and disparities faced by LGBTQ+ youths, and Part 3 on caring for transgender children. With appropriate care, sexual-minority youths should live healthy, productive lives while transitioning through adolescence and young adulthood. This series of Pediatric Collections will help pediatricians guide and contribute positively toward that transition.
This title includes:
Pediatric Collections: Sports Medicine Playbook • October 2021
The Pediatric Collections: Sports Medicine Playbook will increase pediatric providers’ understanding of the injuries that young athletes may incur – including their history, treatment, and prevention. Each section includes a unique expert introduction, and they cover such topics as the benefits of physical activity, injuries, and concerns including concussions. The Sports Medicine Playbook outlines the modern realities of youth athletics, including overall increases in participation, multisport involvement, and the intensity expected of young participants. These trends have led to an increase in sports-related injuries. Sports injuries in athletes aged 5-24 years result in approximately 2.6 million ED visits each year. This collection arrives timed both for the early stages of the 2021-22 school year as well as a hoped-for return to normal schedules for many athletes and teams whose routines were upended in 2020-21 due to the global COVID-19 pandemic.
Pediatric Collections: Enriching Pediatric Learning: A Guidebook for Preceptors • July 2021
This collection is intended to optimize medical education and practical teaching techniques to improve clinical observation, feedback, assessment, and evaluation. This collection is applicable to the busy preceptor in a variety of settings—rural or regional or urban practice, community hospitals, or academic centers. This collection guides Pediatric clinical teachers on fostering humanism in pediatrics, developing non-cognitive skills in a supportive learning environment; setting expectations and building highly effective teams; empowering learners; understanding and implementing trustable Professional Activities from the Association of American Medical Colleges; optimizing SUPER modeling; bedside teaching and patient encounters with exam room as a classroom; shared decision making; promoting clinical reasoning and reflection; and fostering medical professionalism.
Pediatric Collections: Autism Spectrum Disorder • November 2020
Over the last 15 years the progress in awareness and research about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has been dizzying. Through advances in genetics and genomics, more than 100 genes and genomic regions have been confidently associated with ASD, with new ASD risk genes being identified regularly. While these discoveries may someday usher in new therapies within the area of personalized medicine, what are we as pediatricians to do to support individuals with ASD and their families today? The answer is plenty.
This custom collection consists of important studies, expert recommendations, and practice pathways that inform pediatricians on practical ways to improve the lives of children with ASD and their families.
Pediatric Collections: ADHD: Evaluation and Care • December 2019
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common behavioral condition and the second most common chronic illness in children; however, current objective assessments are of limited use in clarifying the diagnosis. This collection offers an evidence-based approach to evaluating children for ADHD.
It also addresses treatment challenges, including prescribing practices for stimulant and non-stimulant ADHD medications, monitoring for medication adherence, side effects, dosing, and medication adjustments. Additionally, a discussion of the effectiveness of nonpharmacologic treatments such as neurofeedback, cognitive training, and herbal or dietary supplements is provided.
Pediatric Collections: Ethics Rounds: A Casebook in Pediatric Bioethics • June 2019
The ethical issues that arise in pediatrics vary drastically from those in other clinical settings because young children cannot make decisions for themselves. This essential collection presents a series of cases that highlight some ethical dilemmas that arise in pediatrics including End-of-Life Decisions; When Doctors and Parents Have Different Philosophies; Ethical Issues in Genomics; Ethical Issues Surrounding Permanent Severe Disability in Childhood; Research Ethics; and Issues in Law and Health Policy. This collection is intended to be a starting point for a discussion on pediatric bioethics and a reference when reflecting on similar cases.
Pediatric Collections: Obesity: Stigma, Trends, and Interventions • May 2018
CDC reports that Child Obesity affects 1 in 5 school-age children
Pediatric Collections offers what you need to know - original, focused research in a snapshot approach.
Obesity is one of the defining health challenges of our generation. Studies project that, if current trends continue, more than 50% of the US population will have obesity within the next 20 years
Alarmingly, severe obesity appears to be increasing in prevalence faster than overweight or “routine” obesity. Illness associated with obesity, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, steatohepatitis, and sleep apnea, is experiencing a commensurate increase in prevalence and severity.
The obesity health crisis threatens to overwhelm our health care system, shorten life expectancy for the first time in recorded history, and reduce the quality of life for millions. The most successful and cost-effective approaches to this epidemic involve the prevention and treatment of pediatric obesity. Additionally, obesity is affected by a myriad of factors, including individual genetics, personal behaviors, family habits, school and community programs, state and federal policy, and environmental factors.
No single solution will end the Child Obesity epidemic. Time for a new approach. This collection of timely full-text AAP articles explores the risks and interventions.
Pediatric Collections: Opioid Addiction • March 2018
One conversation on opioid safety could save a life
The opioid crisis has become far more serious than some of the other epidemics the country has faced. Patients are being prescribed opioids for pain too often and for too long, with insufficient oversight in terms of administering the drug, which can lead to abuse. In addition, if an adult is prescribed 30 days of opioids but uses the medication for only two days, the rest of it may sit in a medicine cabinet. If a teen has access to the leftovers, there is potential for abuse. So, what alternatives to opioids are available to pediatricians caring for patients in pain?
This collection of timely AAP journal articles, blog posts, and policy explores the risks and possible solutions.
Pediatric Collections: Immunization Strategies and Practices • February 2018
Immunizations are a cornerstone of pediatric healthcare
Pediatric Collections offers what you need to know - original, focused research in a snapshot approach.
Vaccine delivery is a substantive portion of pediatric practice and addressing vaccine hesitancy is time-consuming. This collection of articles will assist providers by providing vaccine information and policy statements in a single, easily accessible platform. Our work as healthcare providers involves weighing the risks and benefits of vaccines and ensuring that the best data are communicated to providers, parents, and others who care for children. Transparency, especially in the age of social media is vital to increasing confidence in vaccines.
Pediatric Collections: eCigarettes • August 2017
More data continues to emerge on teen use of eCigarettes that leads to smoking
Renowned AAP journal editors have created this new, first-in-series, Pediatric Collection with high-impact articles that address the public health trend among adolescents and young adults, and the unintended nicotine poisonings among younger children.
Pediatric Collections: Firearm-Related Injuries/Preventions • August 2017
Almost 3/4 of children in households with guns know where they're stored
The number of children and adolescents affected by firearm violence is staggering.
Gunfire kills or injures more than 7,000 children per year. About 19 U.S. children per day are killed by or receive emergency treatment for gunshot wounds. Among the 1,300 children who die each year from firearm-related injuries, 53% are homicides, 38% are suicides and 6% are unintentional. Children who are in their teens, male or black are most likely to be victims.*
*Jenco, Melissa. “Study: Gunfire Kills or Injures More than 7,000 Children per Year.” AAP News, American Academy of Pediatrics, 7 Sept. 2017
High-impact collection topics include:
Pediatric Collections: Medical Risks of Marijuana • October 2017
Despite growing legality, marijuana is not safe for teens
In recent years, exposure to marijuana and other cannabinoids has become an increasing challenge. The legalization of marijuana for both medical and recreational use has already happened in some states, and more states are considering this. What is the risk of use or secondary exposure, including accidental ingestion, to marijuana or synthetic cannabinoids? What factors are associated with use or secondary exposure? What are the implications for children and teens who use marijuana or synthetic cannabinoids?
High-impact collection topics include: